Together with the Department of Industry, we present the GetHyGA initiative, an industrial ecosystem based on hydrogen, to the Aragonese business community.

We promote the GetHyGA initiative, which aims to bring together a large number of projects to be developed in the region related to hydrogen from the energy, economic, industrial and development points of view. The Vice-president and Minister of Industry, Competitiveness and Business Development of the Government of Aragon, Arturo Aliaga, defines the initiative “GetHyGA […]

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The 2021-2022 academic year will see a new inter-university master’s degree in Hydrogen Technologies.

We participate in the agreement signed by the University of Zaragoza and the public integrated vocational training centre Pirámide in Huesca, together with Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, the Escuela de Organización Industrial and other entities that will enable the […]

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The Aragon Hydrogen Foundation participates in the eGHOST project, pioneer in Europe, which will develop the reference guidelines for the ecodesign of hydrogen technologies.

The eGHOST project seeks a sustainable design that minimises the economic, environmental and social impacts of hydrogen systems throughout their life cycle. An international consortium in which the Hidrógeno Aragón Foundation participates and led by the Madrid-based research institute IMDEA Energía will define the eco-design principles for electrolysers and fuel cells. The European Commission considers […]

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GREENHYSLAND fully-functioning Hydrogen H2 ecosystem in the island of Mallorca

GREEN HYSLAND aims to deploy a fully-functioning Hydrogen (H2) ecosystem in the island of Mallorca, Spain, turning the island into Europe’s first H2 hub in Southern Europe. This will be achieved by producing green hydrogen from solar energy and delivering it to the end users, such as the island’s tourism, transport, industry and energy sectors, including gas grid […]

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We participate in the 4AirCraft project researching new sustainable aviation fuels

The initiative, which has a budget of 2.6 million euros, mainly provided by the European Union’s H2020 programme, brings together nine organisations from Europe, Asia and America that will work together to reduce the pollutant emissions associated with this type of transport. Aviation is responsible for 13% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with […]

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On 22 April, Business France Iberian Peninsula, the Agency for the international development of French companies, with the support of the Economic Service of the French Embassy in Spain and the Normandy Region, organised the First Franco-Spanish Hydrogen Summit. We participated as listeners to learn first-hand about the foundations of a lasting and fruitful Franco-Spanish […]

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The Fundación Hidrógeno Aragón donates several computers to Cáritas Diocesana de Huesca

Today we have donated seven computers to Cáritas Diocesana de Huesca to reinforce the social projects of the organisation, both for use in promotional and employment training and for the systematisation of social information. This collaboration is part of the social responsibility actions that the FHA carries out periodically due to its commitment to the […]

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The ELY4OFF project of the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation wins the National Energy Globe Award Spain

The Vice-President and Minister of Industry, Competitiveness and Business Development of the Government of Aragon, Arturo Aliaga, has received the diploma accrediting the award as President of the Foundation. The main objective of this initiative is the development and demonstration of an autonomous, off-grid electrolysis system linked to renewable energy sources Aliaga receives the Globe […]

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The Aragon Hydrogen Foundation participates in a debate of El Español about hydrogen in the energy transition

On June 24th, the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation will participate in a digital event organized by the newspaper El Español, in collaboration with Calvera and Redexis, to discuss the role of hydrogen in the energy transition. During the event, the distribution of storage and production of hydrogen will be addressed, as well as the opportunity for […]

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Hydrogen to increase the flight range of drones

Researchers from the Public University of Navarra (Pamplona) and the Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies of Aragon (Huesca) have joined forces to launch a hydrogen fuel cell that will allow a drone range of more than two hours. Researchers from the Public University of Navarre are actively collaborating with the company FUVEX, […]

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