

In the Interuniversity Master in Hydrogen Technologies you will acquire the necessary skills to become a professional capable of developing, managing and leading hydrogen technologies and their applications, a specialty aligned with European decarbonization strategies and the promotion of the hydrogen industrial sector.

This master in H2 technologies is organized by the Foundation, the University of Zaragoza and the Centro Público Integrado de Formación Profesional Pirámide de Huesca, as Aragonese entities, and Mondragon Unibertsitatea, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, the Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, the Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Somorrostro, the Centro de Formación Profesional Comte de Rius, the Institut Escola del Treball, the Escuela de Organización Industrial and the Repsol-Petronor Group.



The contents taught in this master are updated and aligned with the most innovative and cutting-edge technological advances, in order to show new trends and get an overview of hydrogen technologies. The practical component is one of the central axis of this training, since the participants will perform regular practices with simulation packages, technical visits to companies, as well as face-to-face practices in the laboratory to test the concepts and tools analyzed.



The Master is aimed at professionals interested in training in hydrogen technologies and their applications, a specialty aligned with the European strategies of decarbonization and the boost to the hydrogen industrial sector:

  • Project managers and technicians of companies that are introducing or plan to introduce in the future Hydrogen technologies in their products or services.
  • Professionals of the industrial or technological sector interested in the potential of this new emerging technology to open new professional opportunities.
  • Suppliers companies of the energy sector that in the future intend to offer their products and services to the hydrogen sector and need to start preparing their technicians.


  • Civil Engineering
  • Energy Resources Engineering
  • Telecommunication Technologies Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering
  • Industrial Technologies Engineering
  • Nautical and Transportation Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Degree in Physics or Chemistry
  • Degree in Automotive Engineering
  • Marine Engineering


This Master will be taught by a selection of specialists from the different universities, research centers and training centers that promote the Master, as well as experts from leading companies in hydrogen technologies.



75 places in total

  • Bilbao: 30 places
  • Barcelona: 15 places
  • Tarragona: 15 places
  • Zaragoza:: 15 places

Although the format of the master's degree allows many people to attend the training, it seeks to create interaction between the speakers and the professionals, since it creates a very enriching community of professionals who exchange experiences and create close links with the participants and speakers.
