
Optimisation of electrolysis integration, our project financed by the H2Aragón Complementary Plans.

Framed within the Complementary Plan for Renewable Energy and Hydrogen, this project is developed in the Line of Action LA1.A1. The Complementary Plans are an instrument of the MICINN aimed at establishing collaborations with the Autonomous Regions in R&D&I actions that have common objectives based on interests reflected in the State and Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3). The main objective of the LA1.A1 Electrolysis optimisation project is to install, monitor and optimise renewable hydrogen production systems by means of commercial low-temperature electrolysis systems, from renewable energy sources and in both grid-connected and quasi-isolated configurations.

Activities in recent months have focused on the start-up of the alkaline electrolyser acquired for the project, after having carried out the adaptation of the facilities in the previous phases, and after having evaluated and selected the commercial production technology required. Different alternatives have been evaluated for the location of the different components of the system: electrolyser, cooling system and purification systems. The system has several purification stages to be able to regulate the purity of the hydrogen produced, so that it can be adjusted to different final application configurations; the maximum purity that can be adjusted is that indicated in the ISO 14987 standard, which is suitable for use in fuel cells, and will preferably be used during the tests. Commissioning is currently underway, with final start-up scheduled before the end of June. When the unit is at 100% load, it will be capable of producing 16 kg of hydrogen per day.

Once the system has been commissioned, different control strategies will be programmed to evaluate the behaviour of different commercial hydrogen production systems.

Posted in News, Projects, Sustainability.