
Aragon Hydrogen Foundation and Zaragoza’s firefighters, committed with hydrogen safety training for first responders in Europe

In collaboration with Zaragoza’s firefighters (Bomberos de Zaragoza), Aragon Hydrogen Foundation participates in HyResponder, a European project which will develop and implement a sustainable “train the trainer” content programme in hydrogen safety for first responders from ten European countries. The €1m European project is funded by the main public & private European partnership, the Fuel […]

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HIGGS, a key project to promote decarbonisation in Europe coordinated by the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation

The Vice President of the Government of Aragon (Spain), Arturo Aliaga, has participated in the kick-off meeting to launch an European cooperation initiative that for 36 months will study the possibilities of injecting hydrogen into existing natural gas networks as a way to reduce CO2 emissions. The new European directives on energy and the environment […]

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7th MEDENER International Conference

The 7th MEDENER International Conference has been organized last September 26 in Rhodes, Greece by the Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Management (MEDENER) in close cooperation with the Greek Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), in the framework of the project “Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Region” (meetMED). Under […]

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The Aragon Hydrogen Foundation collaborates with the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture to promote sustainable mobility in Ainsa.

Both organizations have signed an agreement to help curb climate change and improve air quality   The Aragon Hydrogen Foundation (Foundation for the development of new hydrogen technologies in Aragon) and the foundation for the conservation of the Bearded Vulture (FCQ) have signed an agreement under which the entity based in the Walqa Technological park […]

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Participation of the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation in the first Hispano-Moroccan Forum of Green Innovation

The Aragon Hydrogen Foundation has participated during 20th and 21st December in the first forum for the development of innovation projects within the framework of the green economy carried out in Rabat, Morocco. At the event, jointly organized by IRESEN, the agency in charge of financing innovation projects in Morocco, and the CDTI, its Spanish […]

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Fomentar la cultura científica y acercar la innovación y las tecnologías del hidrógeno a la ciudadanía

La Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Nuevas Tecnologías del Hidrógeno  participó el pasado viernes 28 de septiembre en una nueva edición de Researchers Night, la Noche de los Investigadores, una cita que ya se ha extendido por numerosas ciudades de Europa para fomentar la cultura científica y acercar la innovación al ciudadano gracias a la participación […]

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2nd GRID SERVICE MARKETS (GSM) Symposium en Lucerna, Suiza

El 5 de Julio se celebró el 2nd GRID SERVICE MARKETS (GSM) Symposium en Lucerna, Suiza, englobado en el marco del 13th EUROPEAN SOFC & SOE FORUM (3-6 de julio). El GSM-Symposium tiene como objetivo describir las condiciones y soluciones de mercado,  generales y específicas de cada país para los servicios de red. Además, informa […]

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Grupo Sesé, Air Liquide y Sistemas de Almacenamiento Inteligente, nuevas incorporaciones al Patronato de la Fundación Hidrógeno Aragón

La Fundación celebró esta mañana en el Edificio Pignatelli una reunión de su Patronato El Patronato de la Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Nuevas Tecnologías del Hidrógeno en Aragón ha aprobado en la reunión mantenida esta mañana la solicitud de adhesión de tres nuevas empresas: Grupo Sesé, Air Liquide y Sistemas de Almacenamiento Inteligente. […]

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