
Life Zero Energy Mod is nominated for Energy Globe World Award

Our project Life Zero Energy Mod is nominated for the Energy Globe World Award. The ENERGY GLOBE Award is an environmental prize awarded annually in more than 180 countries by the Austrian-based non-profit foundation ENERGY GLOBE. The award recognises projects that focus on energy efficiency, sustainability and the use of renewable energies. The aim is […]

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H2iber seeks to improve water management in renewable hydrogen projects

The H2iber project aims to improve the management of water and water resources in renewable hydrogen projects. To do so, the project will use software tools to analyse industrial processes and detect improvements in resource management systems. These improvements will bring efficiency to processes and contribute to the sustainability of water resources. The project has […]

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Moving towards the hydrogen society: transport and distribution

The event “Moving towards the hydrogen society: transport and distribution” organised by the Repsol Foundation Chair at Tecnun – University of Navarra analysed the most important challenges of hydrogen as the great renewable alternative for achieving European climate objectives and highlighted the most relevant advances in the field of transport and distribution. The day began […]

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Green Hysland wins European H2 Valley of the Year Award

The Green Hysland project has been selected as one of the three European hydrogen valley projects of 2023 in the sixth edition of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership Awards. This year’s award was given for the project’s outstanding efforts to develop integrated systems for hydrogen production, supply, storage and use in multiple sectors, along with: Hydrogen […]

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HIGGS project concludes moving towards a more sustainable European gas grid

HIGGS project concludes moving towards a more sustainable European gas grid. Following the closing conference of the HIGGS project, which took place during the European Hydrogen Week, it can be confirmed, according to Gerald Linke, president of ERIG – European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation AISBL, that “the European transport network is suitable […]

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Aragon, protagonist in the European Hydrogen Week to be held in Brussels from 20 to 24 November

Aragon, protagonist in the European Hydrogen Week to be held in Brussels from 20 to 24 November. The Director General for Industrial Promotion and Innovation, Mar Paños, will visit the stand of the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation at this event organised by Hydrogen Europe and the European Commission, which is key to establish alliances. The Brussels […]

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Collaborating with the 1st Scientific Championship of Aragon that science to the youngest

Collaborating with the I Scientific Championship of Aragon that science to the youngest. The Directorate General of Science and Research has created an innovative way to bring the scientific world to children. The I Scientific Championship of Aragon has been designed in the style of a children’s television contest, with the aim of promoting interest […]

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European Hydrogen Valleys at EU Hydrogen Research Days 2023

European Hydrogen Valleys at EU Hydrogen Research Days 2023. In 2023, the EU Hydrogen Research Days, integrated in the Hydrogen Week, will take place fully ONLINE on the 15 and 16 November. During the EU Hydrogen Research Days, there will be a session dedicated to the European Hydrogen Valleys, where projects in which the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation participates […]

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