
MUBIL Mobility Expo: Professional trade fair for the sustainable mobility industry in its digital and industrial aspects

MUBIL Mobility Expo: Trade fair for the sustainable mobility industry in its digital and industrial aspects. On 17 and 18 April 2024, the fourth edition of MUBIL Mobility Expo, the professional trade fair for the sustainable mobility industry in Southern Europe, will be held at Ficoba, the Gipuzkoa trade fair centre.

The fair, promoted by MUBIL (the intelligent and sustainable mobility hub of the Basque Country) and with the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the Basque Government and the Basque Energy Agency, is the professional meeting point where the sector’s leading companies will present their range of products, services and solutions in sustainable mobility, both industrial and digital.

At MUBIL Mobility Expo you will find all the suppliers you need for your company or organisation’s transition to clean, accessible, safe and connected mobility: hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles, charging infrastructures, batteries, ICTs, ITS, energy suppliers…

You can consult the list of exhibitors at the following link.

The exhibition area is completed with the following programme of activities:

  • Conference programme: National and international experts will share their perspectives on the sector.
  • City Market Place: European cities will share their challenges and projects in sustainable urban mobility.
  • Test Drive: Outdoor area for showing and testing electric, hybrid, gas and hydrogen vehicles.

Registration is now open, don’t miss out on your place! Register here

Visit the website for all the information about the event.



Posted in Events, Press releases.