On 22 April, Business France Iberian Peninsula, the Agency for the international development of French companies, with the support of the Economic Service of the French Embassy in Spain and the Normandy Region, organised the First Franco-Spanish Hydrogen Summit. We participated as listeners to learn first-hand about the foundations of a lasting and fruitful Franco-Spanish […]

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ComputaMeH, a key project to study green hydrogen injection into natural gas networks  

Together with Redex and Nabladot, we are promoting this initiative that has computationally recreated the behavior of mixed fluids of both gases in existing infrastructures, providing decisive knowledge to increase the presence of renewables in the energy mix. The objective of the ComputaMeH project is to study the behavior of fluids composed of different mixtures […]

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The Fundación Hidrógeno Aragón donates several computers to Cáritas Diocesana de Huesca

Today we have donated seven computers to Cáritas Diocesana de Huesca to reinforce the social projects of the organisation, both for use in promotional and employment training and for the systematisation of social information. This collaboration is part of the social responsibility actions that the FHA carries out periodically due to its commitment to the […]

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