Aragon Hydrogen Foundation and the Aragonian Aerospace Cluster (AERA), together with the collaboration of SFICE Innovative Minds, kicked off the HyDUAR project, an initiative that seeks to position the hydrogen value chain, and especially its dual applications in both the civilian market and the military industry. The generation of synergies between these two markets is of special interest in a key territory such as Aragon in these two sectors.
The development of this project seeks to map the integration capacity of hydrogen technologies in the Aragonese industrial fabric, detecting needs and business options in the hydrogen field.
In addition, dissemination and training activities will be developed on these technologies and their potential in academic vocational training environments, which will bring aeronautical industry companies and pioneering entities in the development of hydrogen technologies into contact with people who are being trained to have a more sustainable future and present.
The idea of developing projects such as HyDUAR is to generate contacts between the industry and the academic world, and thus promote the transversality of technical knowledge with the development and innovation of new technologies in Aragon.