Hydrogen fuel cell electric non-road mobile MAChinery for Mining And Construction: An innovative, efficient, scalable, silent and modular power-train concept.
January 2024 - December 2028

The main objective of H2MAC project is to demonstrate the reliability and performance stability of a complete fuel cell (FC) powertrain system on NRMM (non-road mobile machinery) in harsh environments, and/or where access to electricity is limited. Two machines, namely an excavator and a shredder for the construction and mining sector, will be newly designed to integrate a FC powertrain and the related subsystems.
Therefore, simultaneous demonstration of a 120-kW excavator and a 240-kW shredder will be done in a unique demonstration site, where the Regulations Codes and Standards (RCS) will be carefully assessed to pave the way to a successful introduction of hydrogen FC technology in the various NRMM fields of application.
The operation of the machines is also complementary, as the excavator has a load profile derived of its movement during operation, while the shredder is a more static machine when operating.
FHa will identify the applicable standards and regulations and evaluate the sustainability of the solution (LCA study).
Thanks to our experience in demonstration projects and with hydrogen production, storage and re-fuelling equipment, we will define the necessary infrastructure to carry out the demonstrations of the machines and we will draw up the project's safety plan.
We will also lead the techno-economic analysis, market adaptation and exploitation results of the developed solutions.