GRTgaz FenHYx Platform is the name of the site where part of the hydrogen injection tests on gas infrastructures are carried out as part of the green hydrogen project, CANDHy. In this case, these experiments are taking place at GRTgaz, Paris.
On 17 and 18 September, Vanesa Gil, ARAID researcher at Aragon Hydrogen Foundation and head of R&D, and Lidia Martinez, R&D coordinator, met with the CANDHy project partners at GRTgaz headquarters to discuss the progress of the ongoing tasks, as well as the next steps to be taken for the development of the project.
Aragon Hydrogen Foundation (FHa) coordinates this European project in the area of hydrogen conditioning and transport and leads the work package dedicated to the testing of metallic materials other than steel found in the gas distribution network for use with hydrogen.
Since the inception of CANDHy, the partners have surveyed various Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to conduct a comprehensive inventory of the distribution network in order to select the most critical materials for testing+. In addition, modifications have been made to the test platforms available at CANDHy to adapt them to the requirements of the project.
In the coming months, the experimental campaign will begin where the selected materials will be tested, starting with a Round Robin Test that will last until August 2026 and aims to compare the reproducibility of the 4 test platforms available at CANDHy (HIGGS Platform – FHa, RICE Platform – GRTgaz, H2TestLab – Tecnalia and DeltaH – RINA).