Five potential hydrogen supply corridors are published by European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB)
- To deliver the accelerated 2030 hydrogen demand & supply targets set by the REPowerEU plan, five large-scale pipeline corridors are envisaged.
- These corridors will play a key role as cost-efficient solution to transport large volumes of low-cost hydrogen supply to demand centres.
- The five corridors span across both domestic and import supply markets, consistent with the three import corridors identified by the recent REPowerEU plan.
- To ensure the development of these supply corridors by 2030, speed is of essence and EHB identified 5 key actions needed now.
- The members of the EHB initiative recommend to the EC to consider the establishment of hydrogen supply corridors by 2030 as front-running infrastructure as a political objective, in order to ensure the fulfilment of REPowerEU targets.
Here you can find more information about the five potential hydrogen supply corridors: EHB Supply corridors presentation