Hydrogen valleys propose to concentrate in specific areas the deployment of the entire renewable H2 value chain, from production to final consumption on an industrial scale in various sectors.

In this way, hydrogen valleys promise to achieve economies of scale while enhancing the productive fabric and boosting the local economy. However, implementing a hydrogen valley poses great and interesting challenges, as the large-scale production, distribution and consumption of renewable hydrogen is not yet a reality. Both European and Spanish governments favour hydrogen valleys as a development instrument, and their key role is recognised in the PERTEs.

How to promote, build and operate profitable renewable hydrogen projects in Spain and Portugal will be the theme of the next RENMAD HIDROGENO meeting on 23 and 24 February in Zaragoza.

The meeting brings together all parties involved in the value chain of this vector, from generation and regulation to demand and uses, through transport, storage and the most striking projects that are currently being developed nationally and internationally.

What will you take away if you join this experience?

Learn how, to whom and when the 1.5 billion of the PERTE EHRA will be distributed to boost renewable hydrogen in Spain.
Find out about the procedure for processing H2 projects, when it will come out and how it will be regulated around the transposition of the European Directive 2018/2001, certificates of origin and much more.
Find out which industries are looking to buy renewable H2 in Spain and Portugal and at what price.
Compare PEM electrolysers, Alkaline, SOEC and new technologies, so you can choose the one that best suits your project
Study the renewable H2 projects being developed and learn lessons to maximise the profitability of your project
Learn about the latest advances in hydrogen storage and transport that will allow you to supply industrial quantities of renewable H2 to your customers throughout the Iberian Peninsula.
Produce renewable hydrogen at the lowest cost (LCOH) by learning from the leaders in renewable hydrogen design, construction, operation and supply.

More information and registration 

Ahead of the event, we invite you to participate in the free webinar to learn about the challenges faced by the first hydrogen valleys being developed in Europe and how they have overcome them to make the most of the opportunities offered by renewable H2. You can attend for free here.


Posted in Events.