STORIES (Storage Research Infrastructure Eco-System)
November 2021 - October 2025

The European targets to increase the renewable energy penetration in the energy system (e.g. Fit for 55 and REpower EU) implies a key role for energy storage enabling a range of services providing performance and sustainability at the same time.
A combination of various energy storage (ES) technologies (electrochemical, chemical, thermal, mechanical and electrical storage) is needed in order to provide the expected performance regarding energy system capacity and duration offering the desired flexibility. Moreover, the more renewables will penetrate the market, the greater the need of flexibility in energy storage applications in face of changing market conditions.
The StoRIES project is born with the idea of addressing competitive energy storage development challenge, bringing together a consortium of beneficiaries like facilities from the European Strategy Forum on Research Facilities (ESFRI), technology institutes, universities and industrial partners to jointly improve the economic performance of storage technologies.
The main technological objectives of StoRIES are linked to the energy storage development by providing access to world-class research infrastructures and services, with a focus on improving materials for devices and optimizing hybrid energy systems with a view to make energy technologies more competitive and reducing costs.
Other relevant objetives of the StoRIES project (
•Foster a European ecosystem of industry and research organisations on hybrid ES technologies
•Enlarge and advance the integration of the European ES community
•Enhance innovation by involving industry experts in the setting up and implementing of a pro-active innovation support scheme
•Ensure the long-term sustainability of ES research:
-by defining scenarios and strategic roadmaps
-by setting up a framework for the scientific and technical training of young researchers
•Promote and coordinate the international cooperation in ES research from and to Europe
Fundación Hidrógeno Aragón is a Research Infrastructure provider in this project. We offer our facilities, specialized in R&D&I activities in the whole hydrogen value chain, to enable the development of innovative and sustainable energy storage solutions.
These facilities include a 1,200 m2 building with offices, laboratories and a workshop that are available as an experimental test bench on hydrogen technologies integrated in a microgrid with intermittent RES (Renewable Energy Sources).
Total of 64 StoRIES infrastructures are open to users from the StoRIES consortium and beyond.
Estas instalaciones incluyen un edificio de 1.200 m2 con oficinas, laboratorios y un taller que están disponibles como banco de pruebas experimental sobre tecnologías de hidrógeno integradas en una microrred con RES (Fuentes de Energía Renovable) intermitentes.
Un total de 64 infraestructuras están abiertas a los usuarios del proyecto StoRIES