
The overall objective of the QualyGridS project is to establish standardized testing protocols for electrolysers to perform electricity grid services. Alkaline electrolysers and PEM electrolysers will both be considered within the QualyGridS project.
A variety of different grid services will be addressed as well as multiple hydrogen end users. The protocols developed will be applied to both alkaline and PEM electrolysers systems, respectively, using electrolyser sizes from 50 kW to 300 kW. Additionally, a techno-economic analysis of business cases will be performed covering the grid and market situations in the most relevant regions of Europe for large electrolysers (>3MW). Testing protocols and economic analysis will also include the review of existing and possibly set-up of new Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for electrolysers. The consortium addressing these tasks includes three electrolyser manufacturers and as well as research institutions with highly relevant experience concerning hydrogen technologies, electricity grid operation and smart grids. Inclusion of a European standardization institution will allow for maximum impact of the protocols.
An advisory committee including TSOs from several countries and a key player in US renewables and electrolysis research will support the project with valuable advice. Experience from previous FCH-JU electrolyser projects and national projects is available to the project.
The Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon is leader of the work package focused on the validation of the protocols developed for alkaline electrolysers and it is also actively involved in other tasks such as the assessment of the electricity grid services requirements, the development of testing protocols and the techno-economic analysis and business case. Their work and experience will be highly relevant in leading the testing protocols for alkaline electrolysers to be qualified to perform electricity grid services.
This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 735485. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Hydrogen Europe and N.ERGHY.
This work is supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract number 17.00009.