The EU has set itself legal binding to increase the share of renewable energies. This has an influence on the energy industries as well as on small enterprises and causes new innovate projects and an economical development. Thus the renewable energies industries represent a growing labour market in Europe. Enterprises are seeking qualified staff. The partnership aims to develop a European qualification network in the field of renewable energies. The partners are vocational training schools, colleges and two R&D institutions in Germany, France, Spain, Great Britain and Turkey. All have experiences in training apprentices in the field of renewable energies such as biogas, thermal solar energy and fuel cells, hydrogen technologies and wind energy and cooperate with regional enterprises.
They will share training experiences and good practice and develop modules to train students from other European countries in renewable energies. The (extra-curricular) modules will be an additional qualification to the regular training scheme of the user and serve the needs of the regional enterprises. They will be documented according the ECVET Standards and certificated by official authorities in the partner countries.
The modules will be completed by curricular and training material. The set of modules aim to compose the core of a curriculum for an European vocational formation in renewable energy. In addition to the modules each partner develops a structure to host the trainees from the partner countries. Thus the network will not only provide a qualification concept in the fields of renewable energies but also a organization structure for hosting trainees. Target groups are young people in vocational training.
The role of Aragon Hydrogen Foundation in the project is to develop a module on Biogas applications and develop training possibiliteis for students in this new technological field with great possibilities in the medium term. The module will be mainly focused in the purification and use of biogas and waste generated.