Modeling and automation of optimized hydrogen and biomethane production, distribution, and end-use processes for injection into the natural gas grid.
May 2023 - April 2024

MODELAMEH2 seeks to address the injection of renewable hydrogen and biomethane gases into the natural gas transmission and distribution grid. To this end, the project aims to study the quality of hydrogen mixing with natural gas at the injection points by means of CFD analysis, and to propose the best injection techniques to achieve efficient gas injection. In addition, MODELAMEH2 will also study the potential of biomethane as a renewable gas substitute for natural gas, addressing cleaning and conditioning technologies, with special emphasis on membrane technology. Finally, this project will evaluate the final impact of hydrogen injection on the consumers of the gas, considering the digitalization and automation of the different stages and technologies involved in the process and using CFD models to predict flow patterns.
The role of Aragon Hydrogen Foundation in this project is to define the best technical options to address hydrogen injection in natural gas grids, providing the necessary data on the geometry of the injection point and the operating conditions to address the CFD model. In addition, participate in the interpretation of the computational model results and design the separation plant to carry out the deblending of hydrogen from the gas mixture to protect end users with low hydrogen tolerance.