LA1.A1 Electrolysis optimisation
LA1.A1 Electrolysis optimisation - Optimisation of electrolysis integration (Complementary Plans H2 Aragon - MICINN)
January 2022 - December 2024

This project is part of the Complementary Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Plan in which Aragon participates. The Complementary Plans are an instrument of the MICINN aimed at establishing collaborations with the Autonomous Regions in R&D&I actions that have common objectives based on interests reflected in the state and regional Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3).
Within the Complementary Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Plan, this project is being developed under Action Line 1 (Generation of low-temperature green hydrogen from renewable energy).
The main objective of the LA1.A1 Electrolysis optimisation project is to install, monitor and optimize renewable hydrogen production systems by means of commercial low temperature electrolysis systems, from renewable energy sources (mainly photovoltaic, although hybridization with wind power will also be analyzed), and in both grid-connected and quasi-isolated configurations (with a low power grid connection, exclusively for auxiliary consumption), as well as other combinations considered to be of interest. This scope aims to optimise the integration of commercially available low-temperature electrolysis systems (Alkaline, PEM and AEM), scalable to high power, with solar photovoltaic renewable energy generation for the production of green hydrogen.
In order to achieve the foreseen objective, the following partial objectives are established:
1) Adaptation of the facilities where the demonstration will be carried out.
2) Evaluation and selection of commercial hydrogen production technology.
3) Acquisition of the selected hydrogen production equipment.
4) Installation and commissioning of the DEMO Platform equipment.
5) Definition of operation strategies to be implemented in tests.
6) Development of the DEMO platform control system.
The Aragon Hydrogen Foundation is the project leader, and is responsible for all the activities, from the adaptation of the facilities, management of supplies and assembly, definition of operating strategies, and testing. The activities will be carried out at the Foundation's facilities in Walqa Technology Park (Huesca).