INTELISAI seeks to implement a control and communication system (CCS) capable of sending the information collected by the PLC to a SCADA system that collects this information for its analysis.
The aim is to gather real operating data in order to assess the main indicators (or KPI) which affect the UPS components and subsystems degradation and therefore allowing the elaboration of a preventive and predictive prevention program.
The Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon coordinates the actions related to the study and analysis of the current situation of vehicles powered by hydrogen; development, deployment, safety measures, regulations, etc. It also collaborates in the definition and development of the simulations of the different scenarios.
The Foundation for the Development of the Hydrogen Technologies in Aragón coordinates the activities related to the sizing of the system, the study of the application of the existing regulation, the design and development of the system, as well as its installation and testing.