This project appears as a continuation to the InstunH2 Project. It was a first step of this analysis, investigating the state of the art of hydrogen-powered vehicles and Road Tunnel Safety, identifying aspects related to these vehicles that "a priori" may influence the safety of vehicles in road tunnels, justifiably selecting several fire scenarios to be simulated and, finally, developing fluid dynamics simulations, in three dimensions, of these scenarios.
From this previous project, results were obtained such as the heat emission of the fire and its variation over time, or a map of the radiation that would be received in the vicinity of it.
After the realization of these simulations - and others that could be developed in the future starting from vehicles propelled by different technologies - the line of work started in InstunH2 is now directed towards the validation of these results through real fire tests.
These trials present a complexity of implementation and data acquisition (sensing) high, which largely marks the next steps proposed, and which constitute the two-fold objectives of the present project, closely related to each other:
- Study the different options that exist for the practical realization of the real test, taking into account the practical restrictions of the same, the actors involved and the steps to be developed.
- Raise a system for obtaining information (sensorization) that allows measuring a certain variable simultaneously in different points of the section of a tunnel.
The Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon coordinates the related actions, the trials, an actual escalation and the selection of the parameters for the construction of the sensorization prototype. It also collaborates in the definition and development of the simulations of the different scenarios.