The HyUnder project studies the viability and business models linked to the massive use of underground stored hydrogen in order to balance the grid when large amounts of renewable generation are added to the generation mix, analyzing the situation for six different countries: France, Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain and The United Kingdom. Because of the potential and maturity reached at medium and long term, the project evaluates this solution at technical, economic and social level as the basis for future implementations.
The results of HyUnder project will be used by investors to understand the potential economic revenues. Besides, grid operators and renewable generation companies will consider the results of the project to suggest new solutions to the problem of the balance between generation and demand. HyUnder will contribute to create new business opportunities for technology developers and will help to raise awareness on authorities and general public on how underground stored hydrogen can contribute to reduce environmental problems.
The Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon coordinates the HyUnder project, managing the resources and the collaboration between the partners so as to reach the goals of the project. Besides, the Foundation develops the Spanish case study considering different time frames and scenarios of penetration of renewable energy.