Didactic units
Elaboration of didactic units on the generation, storage, transport, distribution and use of hydrogen for its insertion in training cycles
May 2022 - September 2023

Given the rapid pace at which projects for the generation and use of renewable hydrogen are being proposed and developed, there is an urgent need to train the professionals who will make these projects a reality.
Through this project, we aim to create educational units and demonstrators for the training and development of students in the field of renewable hydrogen production, storage, and distribution facilities. This is to meet the high demand for qualified personnel that is expected in the short and medium term. As a result, specific training is required for the execution, start-up, inspection, and maintenance of high-pressure gas installations as well as in explosive atmospheres. The most suitable student profile for carrying out these tasks is that of vocational education, so this project is focused on them, as well as the educational centers that train them.
The Foundation participates by providing knowledge, experience, and training to the other members of the working group. It also conducts a review of the design progress to ensure that it is aligned with real-world situations. Additionally, the Foundation will provide contacts with entities working in the hydrogen sector, so that the working group can visit their facilities and training, as well as stay up-to-date on possible technology fairs.