Interconnection of the H2 ecosystem through digital analysis of production and demand
May 2022 - December 2022

The main objective of the ECOH2SYSTEM project is the interconnection between two of the most important elements in the hydrogen (H2) value chain: renewable hydrogen generation using renewable energy sources and the point of hydrogen consumption. However, to achieve this connection successfully, it is necessary to invest efforts in defining a cost-effective model that meets the technical and legislative requirements for transporting H2 between the two elements.
The project focuses its efforts on locating the largest H2 consumption points in Aragon and Catalonia, studying the feasibility of transporting renewable H2 from the main production points, monitoring consumption and production levels, and establishing a relationship between these levels and the need for transport capacity and storage capacity, with the intention of replicating the project at a later stage at a national level.
The Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon has provided support in the following activities:
The elaboration of a conceptual model of the transport and supply of renewable hydrogen from the production centres to the consumption facilities.
Analysis of the current regulations applicable to the hydrogen value chain within the context of the project and the study of the main physical control variables at the production, transport, and consumption facilities.
Study the hydrogen flows consumed in specific companies, in order to study the equipment to be adapted within the renewable hydrogen consumption facilities, as well as the repercussions that the use of renewable hydrogen instead of grey hydrogen would have for the consuming company’s production processes