Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Program: Decarbonization of the heavy transport sector and industry through the application of green hydrogen technologies.
January 2022 - September 2025
The general GOAL of the program is to generate scientific-technical knowledge to reinforce technical competences and industrial capacities in Aragon, for the deployment of renewable hydrogen technologies oriented to the decarbonization of the heavy transport sector and industry, covering the whole value chain necessary to achieve climate neutrality.
This overall GOAL is particularized in three specific areas:
Green H2 generation: Action lines 1, 3 and 4.
Storage and supply: Action Line 6
End use in heavy transport or industry: Action lines 7, 8 and 10.
In addition, the program has cross-cutting activities dedicated to dissemination and professional training, with which it is intended that the project will have an impact on society in the short term.
The PROGRAM is structured around the start-up of several pilot plants, whose design, development, construction and start-up process will constitute the central axis of the R&D&I activities (TRL 4-7). Aligned with the objectives of the program, the pilot plants will be full-scale demonstrators (TRL 7) of: (1) an electrolytic green hydrogen generation system from renewable energy (Action Line 1); (2) a hydrogen generator for fuel cell vehicles (Action Line 6); and (3) a fuel cell heavy-duty long-distance transport tractor unit (Action Line 7).
In addition, basic research activities will be launched to generate knowledge beyond the state of the art in the entire hydrogen value chain, such as the optimization of processes and catalysts for the generation and transformation of hydrogen from renewable sources, the development of new materials for its storage and transportation, and technical and economic feasibility studies for its final use.
For the execution of the program there are R+D+i groups from the University of Zaragoza, the Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies and the Technological Institute of Aragon, which will work in coordination with CSIC and the rest of the autonomous communities that are members of the national plan.
To lead the actions included in the lines of action:
LA1.A1.- Optimization of electrolysis integration.
LA6.A1.- HRS digitalization and quality control.
LA6.A3.- Reconditioning of WALQA's HRS to 700 bar.
LA11.A1.-Dissemination and Training.