Boosting sorbent/Solid Oxide Fuel Cells technology for broad spectrum sustainable fuels: components evaluation, system design and validation (BoSSTech)
September 2021 - August 2024

The main objective of the BoSSTech project (PID2020-115935RB-C41 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) is to innovate in the field of fuel cells fuelled with biogas and methane/hydrogen mixtures. The proposed technology will enable progress in the development of more robust and versatile cells, allowing them to be powered even in the presence of impurities typical of gaseous streams. It is intended to provide a solution to the existing fuel cells.
The difficulty of this project lies in intensifying and simplifying the three processes necessary for direct conversion: biogas purification, catalytic reforming, power generation.
BoSSTech will carry out the experimental proof of concept of the proposed technology (TRL3). Three sub-projects are part of BoSSTEech: Fostering the use of renewable energies and waste valorisation for electricity and heat (Fostere) led by Aragon Hydrogen Foundation, Hierarchical metal-organic framework sorbents for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells’ renewable fuels conditions (HierarchMOFs) led by BC Materials, and Understanding efficient reforming of CH4 /CO2 in the advanced Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and optimisation of reforming agents and catalyst (AdvReforming) led by The Spanish National Hydrogen Centre.
The specific objectives would be:
• Advanced materials with high adsorption capacity for the removal of pollutants from CH4 /CO2 /H2 mixtures.
• Optimisation of (electro)catalytic properties of electrodes.
• Identification and evaluation of optimal conditions (renewable fuel impurities, CH4 /CO2 /H2 flow, electrochemical potential vapour flow, temperature profile) of the different stages of the CH4/CO2 reforming to minimise the long-term degradation of the SOFC system.
• Evaluation of individual reaction mechanisms, structural and compositional adjustments of (electro)catalysts in order to improve the synergetic combination.
• Increase the knowledge of the project results and complete an exploitation plan through communication and dissemination activities.
The Aragon Hydrogen Foundation through the ARAID Researcher in FHa, Dr. Vanesa Gil, is the scientific coordinator of the global project. She will also lead the Fostere sub-project.
The main tasks on which it focuses are as follows:
• To evaluate the efficiency of new adsorbent materials.
• Characterise the performance of the novel generation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.
• Maximise cell lifetime (KPI) and thermal management by modelling the electrochemical and catalytic reforming process in advanced SOFCs.
• Identify the biogas source with the highest potential in terms of performance.
• Identify technical barriers and opportunities to feed the BoSSTech technology directly with renewable fuel from the natural gas grid (≥ 35 ppm H2 S and green H2 up to 20-30 % vol).
• Carry out the experimental proof of concept test of the proposed new system.
In addition, the coordination and dissemination tasks of the project will be carried out by the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation.