The objective of the SMART-HY-AWARE project is to promote mobility based on hydrogen and electricity by addressing the main technological, infrastructure, and commercial acceptance obstacles, through the improvement of policies related to the Structural Funds in Europe, to achieve a transition to a low carbon economy. The development of the project will elaborate and implement a Regional Action Plan and the implementation of possible pilot actions, after exchanging experiences with the rest of the project partners.
FHa participates in this project supporting the Development Agency of Aragón in the elaboration and implementation of the Regional Action Plan in Aragon, providing expertise in the field of hydrogen technologies and an aligned view with other European Union plans. Moreover, FHa will promote the collaboration of hydrogen-related stakeholders of Aragón in the elaboration and the implementation of the Regional Action Plan of Aragón.
.The project, framed within the Interreg Europe Program, has a duration of four years, and has a total budget of 1.6 million euros, of which 1.4 are provided by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
.The Interreg Program, which has a co-financing of 85% of the ERDF, offers local and regional public authorities in Europe opportunities to share ideas and experiences of good practices in public policies, in areas such as research and innovation, competitiveness of SMEs, low carbon economy and environmental and resource efficiency.