The mission, headed by the Deputy Presidents of the secondlargest region of the country, aims to know the Aragoneseexperience in the field of industrial specialization, use ofrenewables and energy transition
Poland’s political and economic representatives have showntheir interest in the research and applied innovationtrajectory of the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation and how thistechnology helps solve energy and environmental problems.
Zaragoza, February 21, 2019. To deepen the relationsbetween Spain and Poland, to exchange knowledge and toappreciate closely the experience of diverse companies andtechnological and research centers with specialization in theindustrial and energetic fields of the autonomouscommunity is the Objective of the visit that these days maketo Aragon a delegation of the Polish region of Wielkopolska,the second largest of that country.
Led by the deputy Presidents of the Parliament ofWielkopolska, Magorzata Warszak and Jaroslaw Maciejewskiand also integrated by the President and Assistant Presidentof the Economic Committee, Marta Dzikowska and RobertPopkowski respectively, by several of Its members and thegeneral director of economy, Beata Joanna Lozińska, themission was particularly interested in knowing theAragonese experience in the use of renewable energies,since they live a complex process of energetic transition thatmust Lead to reduce their dependence on coal in the face ofthese new clean sources, a situation up to a hundred pointssimilar to the one our country lives in.
The interest of the Polish delegation is also focused onanalyzing the Aragonese bet for the hydrogen that began 15years ago and how these technologies can contribute tosolve energy and environmental problems. This motive iswhat has led them to visit the Aragon Hydrogen Foundationin the WALQA Technology Park, as well as several companiesof the technological complex altoaragonés. The VicePresident of the Foundation and Director General ofIndustry, SMEs, trade and handicraft of the Government ofAragon, Jesús Sánchez Farraces and the managing directorof the entity, Fernando Palacín, were hosts together with therepresentative of the City Council of Huesca in thepatronage, Teresa Sas, and showed to the Polishrepresentatives the main projects in which the foundationcurrently works, looking for possible lines of collaborationbetween the two territories.
The delegation of Wielkopolska also visits these dayscompanies like the Industrial group Calvera, Enagás, groupSesé or Podoactiva, as well as the Superior Council ofScientific Research in Aragon (CSIC), Itainnova, AREX, theResearch institute in Engineering of Aragon, the owntechnological park WALQA or the Cortes of Aragon.
Wielkopolska is one of the most industrialized areas ofPoland. With Poznan as capital, it stands out for a growingimplementation of renewable energies, which alreadyassume around 11.3% of the total energy produced in thecountry, according to the most recent data compiled by theCentral statistical Office. Poland has made a clearcommitment to photovoltaics to boost the production ofclean energy in the coming years in order to meet theobjectives established by the European Union for the year2020.